Discover the essence of Malaysian cuisine withMalacca Satay Celup Sauce / 马六甲沙爹火锅底料. Just mix with 800ml water, bring to a boil, then add your choice of meat, seafood, and veggies. Simmer until cooked. Enjoy a taste of Malaysia in 2-4 servings.
Malacca Satay Celup Sauce
Ingredients :
• Vegetable Oil (Palm Olein), Water, Peanut 9%, Shallot, Garlic, Galangal, Chilli, Lemongrass, Sesame Seeds, Salt, Sugar, Dried Shrimps (Crustaceans), Cinnamon, Star Anise, Black Pepper.
配料 :
• 植物油(棕榈油),水,花生,红葱,大蒜,蓝姜,辣椒,香茅,芝麻,盐,糖,虾米,桂皮,八角,黑胡椒。
Bahan - Bahan :
• Minyak kelapa sawit, Air, Kacang Tanah, Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih, Lengkuas, Cili, Serai, Bijan, Garam, Gula, Udang Kering, Kayu Manis, Bunga Lawang, Lada Hitam.
• This product contains Peanut, Sesame Seeds, Crustaceans. 本产品含有花生,芝麻与甲壳类。